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Assignments will generally be posted on Tuesdays before midnight, and due the following Tuesday at 11:59PM, with some exceptions which will be announced in the assignment details. Every team member must complete a submission form as linked from the assignment page.


Grades will be posted to BruinLearn (synced to MyUCLA), with detailed information hosted on Gerrit in a repository named grades/${USER} for each student as A direct link can be found in the comment on your BruinLearn assignment grade.

Detailed information of team grades will be hosted in grades/${GROUP_NAME} as These are linked from the student grade reports.

After submission, a report will be produced to help grading of your submission. You can find these reports at grades/${GROUP_NAME}/

Graders will examine your codebase and project health as it existed at the time of your TL’s submission. If you need to update your submission time you will need to re-submit the assignment submission form.

Late policy

Each team starts the quarter with 100hrs of late budget, used for late submission of the team TL’s assignment form.

After exhausting the budget, assignments receive a 1% penalty for every additional hour late.

You may edit and resubmit forms as many times as you need. Graders use the content based on the latest TL submission, and late hours are deducted according to the last submission timestamp.

Regrade requests

Graders will occasionally (hopefully very rarely) make mistakes. If you feel that an assignment has been graded erroneously, you may submit a regrade request. The grader will confirm with you whether or not your grade will be changed, and we will track changes centrally to ensure grades are updated.

Grade updates on regrades may not be seen in MyUCLA for one or more weeks, since updating MyUCLA remains a manual process (they have no remote API!) and we do not re-upload all assignment grades frequently. We will do a final pass before computing final grades to ensure that all assignment grades are up-to-date.

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Page last modified: June 3, 2024.