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UCLA CS 130: Software Engineering (Spring 2024)

Table of contents

  1. Course description
  2. Important links
  3. Instructors
  4. Lectures
  5. Discussions / TAs
  6. Prerequisites
  7. Textbook and Readings
  8. Class project
  9. Exams
  10. Grading
  11. Academic Honesty
  12. Class Schedule

Course description

Principles relevant to creating large-scale software projects as opposed to small one-person efforts. The class emphasizes scalable software engineering practices, teamwork, processes, and tools. The core of this class is a team project to implement and deploy a web server in C++.

Code Review (Git/Gerrit)
Piazza discussions
E-mail instructors


Michael Burns
Eric Hennigan
Alex Monroe
Philo Juang


Mondays and Wednesdays
4pm - 5:50pm
Young Hall CS76
Office hours
Book on calendar or e-mail instructors to schedule.

Discussions / TAs

Belle Lerdworatawee
Lab 1A1
F 12pm-12:50pm Renee and David Kaplan Hall 135
Lab 1A2
F 1pm-1:50pm Renee and David Kaplan Hall 135
Yifan Qiao
Lab 1B1
F 2pm-2:50pm Renee and David Kaplan Hall 135
Lab 1B2
F 3pm-3:50pm Renee and David Kaplan Hall 135
Haoran Ma
Lab 1C1
F 12pm-12:50pm Franz Hall 1178
Lab 1C2
F 1pm-1:50pm Franz Hall 1178


  • CS111: Operating Systems
  • CS131: Programming Languages
  • (Suggested) CS118: Networking

Textbook and Readings

  • (Suggested) Kernighan and Pike, The Practice of Programming
  • Additional readings on the web

Class project

During this course you will join a team of other students and complete a project in which you will jointly develop a configurable, scalable server and deploy it for public access on Google Cloud with appropriate logging and monitoring. The goal of this is to learn and practice sound development practices including thoughtful API design, maintainable coding style, automated testing, and peer code review.

Assignments will be posted on this website each Monday after noon for specific milestones of the project, and will be due the following Monday morning by 11:59PM, submitted via online form. Students will be graded on their individual contributions for each assignment, as well as the health of the project and the functionality of the server.

Assignment topics include:

  • Repository setup, Unit tests, Code reviews (individual assignment)
  • Simple echo server, Deployment
  • Continuous build, Test coverage, Web server testing
  • Serving static files
  • API proposal and presentation (no late work accepted)
  • Refactoring
  • Reverse proxy, Threading
  • Self and peer evaluations (individual assignment)


Exam questions will be drawn from lectures, readings, and assignments. Exam structure is TBD due to remote teaching.


Course grade breakdown:


Work and exams will be graded on an absolute scale.

A curve may be applied, but only to students’ benefit (your grade will never decrease as a result of a curve)

Academic Honesty

For exams, presentations, and written work (other than code), normal standards of academic honesty apply, as outlined in the UCLA Student Conduct Code.

For computer code, reading and adapting publically available code is encouraged, and in some cases may be necessary. You must cite your source in a comment, in the form of a URL.

Class Schedule

Date Lecture Topics Reading
April 1 1 Course overview
Development environments
Source control
April 3 2 Testing  
April 8 3 Code Reviews
Tools for web server development
April 10 4 Build systems
April 15 5 Testing, refactoring, and debugging a web server  
April 17 6 Testability
Integration testing
Dependency Injection
April 22 7 Static analysis
Instructor Q&A
April 24 8 Logging and exception handling  
April 29 9 APIs  
May 1 12 Threading and Concurrency  
May 6 10 Class API standardization  
May 8 11 Writing Readable Code  
May 13 13 Web server & Distributed system architecture
May 15 - Midterm  
May 20 14 Performance
Capacity planning
May 22 15 Invariant testing
May 27 - Memorial Day  
May 29 16 Documentation
Team structure
June 3 17 Deployments
UX Design Guest
June 5 18 Team overviews  
June 13 - Final, 11:30am-1:30pm  

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“You may think using Google’s great, but I still think it’s terrible.” —Larry Page

Page last modified: June 3, 2024.